{Miscellaneous Mondays} Be Thankful Challenge

To combat the post-Christmas depression, I decided to do two tags that deal with thankfulness because the best way to get over the blues is to remember all that you have been blessed with. Ready to be thankful?

Tag #1: The Be Thankful Challenge


The lovely Sara Letourneau tagged me with this one a little while back (go check out her blog; it’s got wonderful writing advice and other goodies).

Here are the rules:

  • Show the “Be Thankful” picture in the blog post (isn’t it pretty? Although now that winter is here, it feels a tad out of place.)
  • List 5 people (or groups of people; I’m stealing this from Sara) in your life that you’re thankful for.
  • List 5 things in 2015 you’re thankful for.
  • Share with 5 other bloggers.

Without further ado …

  1. My family. Yes, yes, I know—so cliche. But what can I say? It’s the truth. My family members are the only people I can truly be myself around. I love watching how our differences and similarities blend together and how each person contributes something special to the family that no one else can. Also, I feel bad for any girl without brothers. You are totally missing out.
  2. My online friends. People who don’t have online friends might find this one a little weird—and honestly, before I found any, the thought would have made me raise my eyebrows too. But I have met some incredible online (primarily through my online school’s social forums, but also here in the blogosphere), and I am forever grateful that God has brought them into my life. Long-distance friendships can be tough, but I’m thankful that I can have them at all (and thank God for technologies like Skype).
  3. My church family. Every time I move, I always dread finding a new church, but God has always provided. I’m thankful to our current church for loving us transient military folks, pouring into us even though we’ll leave again soon.
  4. My irl (in real life) friends. I’m truly grateful to all the people who (for reasons I cannot comprehend) hang out with me in person. Over the years, through all the moves, I have met so many incredible people who have loved me through the good and bad and made my life so much brighter. Thanks for putting up with this introvert. 😉
  5. Authors & songwriters. Does this count? The tag says “people in your life,” and I guess they’re not technically people that I’ve met, but they’ve still influenced my life greatly, so … We’re goin’ with it. I am eternally grateful to the authors whose words have impacted my life—authors like Tolkien and Lewis, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, Malcolm Gladwell and Ann Voskamp. These authors have taught me so many truths about life and opened up whole new worlds. I’d be remiss to forget the songwriters whose lyrics and melodies have done the same—from Andrew Peterson and RED to Bach and Puccini.
{2015 Stuffs}
  1. Stretching experiences. It’s safe to say that 2015 has been my most stretching year yet, and at the beginning of it, I was rather terrified. However, looking back now at all that God has brought me through, I’m so thankful for those outside-of-the-comfort-zone experiences. From learning to drive to getting my first job, God has been there every step of the way and strengthened my trust in Him.
  2. Finishing my second book. Words can’t describe the feeling of finally finishing a book. I’ve been so terrified that I wouldn’t ever be able to do that, but I have—twice! Furthermore, I lost the first draft of Paperless last January in a huge computer crash and thought for a time that I’d never write anything (much less the book itself) again. However, God enabled me to finish it this September, and I think I’m still on a high from it.
  3. Mission trip. I blogged about this previously, so I won’t go into much detail again, but it was an amazing experience full of lessons I hope to remember and apply.
  4. Family trip out west. I also blogged about this earlier. It was amazing to see a whole new part of the country, as well as reconnect with old friends and do something crazy as a family.
  5. Music. This year, I discovered a lot of new bands & singers that I’ve really enjoyed listening to. Music is such a vital part of my life, and I’m thankful for all the beauty musicians everywhere are creating.

Phew! I have to say, I kind of dislike tags like these because it’s annoying to talk about myself so much. Anyway. So I’m supposed to tag people but I’m going to steal Victoria’s idea instead:

You who are reading this, tell me three things you’re thankful for in the comments!

(That’s an order, minions).

Tag #2: A Few of My Favorite Things Tag


The wonderful Victoria (check out her amazing stories, poetry & thoughts on life) tagged me with this (and don’t you just love the title of this tag?). Here’s da rules:

Answer prompts with the wintery/Christmasy theme in mind.
Tag at least 5 of your blogger-buddies to take part.
Use the title picture provided.
Spread the love around!

1) Favorite “snuggle weather” books

Anything fantasy, I suppose. Or Jane Austen. For some reason, I don’t like to read non-fiction when I’m curled up in a blanket, whereas in the summer, when I’m usually reading outside, I’m ready for more factual stuff.

2) Favorite winter/Christmassy snacks

Jelly jolly thumbprints. Peppermint anything (fudge, cookies, canes). Gingerbread cookies. Sugar cookies. (Noticing a theme?) Nuts (which may not be purely Christmassy, but we always get a bowl of them as Christmas).

3) Favorite hot drinks

I’m actually not a fan of hot drinks. I do like hot chocolate on occasion, however.

4) Favorite Christmas movies

I’ve only watched about four, but my favorites are A Miracle on 34th Street and It’s a Wonderful Life.

5) Favorite holidays songs

Oh, dear. So hard. Here’s a rough list: Mary, Did You Know, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Breath of Heaven, I Heard the Bells, Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring … 

6) Favorite “snow day” crafts

When it snows, I really prefer to just read or write. But I do enjoy making cards with scrapbook-y stuff, and I like doing typography stuff on the computer—which isn’t really a craft. I’m not a very crafty person, I suppose. I think I would be if I had more time and more money to get supplies.

7) Do you wanna build a snowman? 

Yes! It’s actually snowing right now, which is lovely, but I don’t think it’s enough to make a snowman with. Also, I’ve always wanted to make a snow-something else. Like an elf. Or a Jedi.

And for this one, I tag Sarah @ Light and Shadows, Sarah @ Scripturient, and Sarah @ The World Collector. Good day to be a Sarah! If anyone else wants to snag this tag, feel free to do so! Just make sure you link the post to me. =)

Remember to tell me three things you’re thankful for in the comments, and let me know how your Christmas was! 

4 responses to “{Miscellaneous Mondays} Be Thankful Challenge”

  1. […] in December, the lovely Aberdeen tagged me with the A Few of My Favorite Things tag. It’s sort of a Christmas-y tag . . . but theoretically it’s for all winter, so […]


  2. Thanks for the tag! I’ll get on it soon as I can . . . though it might not happen until January, just to warn you. (That’s still winter, even if it’s not Christmas . . .)
    Three things I’m thankful for:
    1. An online community that’s always there.
    2. A plethora of good books to read.
    3. A sister who gives me treasure hunts for Christmas and plays Nancy Drew computer games with me so I don’t have to muddle through on my own.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! And no problem—I still have tags from many months ago … * sheepish grin*
      Yay, thanks for sharing! I totally agree with number 2. And a treasure hunt for Christmas sounds amazing. 0.o

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was quite amazing. 😀 And also extra special because I used to make treasure hunts for her all the time, and now she’s made one for me and it was just lovely.

        Liked by 1 person

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